Voting has now closed for this year's ECSA Elections
Below is a list of all the candidates for the 3 Full-Time Officer Positions. Click on a name to find out more about them or go straight to the voting page to cast your vote. We use a voting system that allows you to rank your candidates in order of preference, so you can vote for as many or as few of the candidates as you like. We will have polling stations set up around the reception areas of each campus from 10am to 3pm Monday to Thursday, but, as voting is online, you can vote from wherever you like and anytime before 12noon on Friday the 9th of March
Good luck to all the canddiates and we look forward to seeing you all out an about the campuses throughout the week.
Candidates for President
'Re-Open Nominations' is also an option. Read more here on what it means.
Candidates for Vice-President Sports & Activities
'Re-Open Nominations' is also an option. Read more here on what it means.
Candidates for Vice-President Welfare
'Re-Open Nominations' is also an option. Read more here on what it means.
The Results
The results night party will be held on Friday 9th March from 6pm in the Three Sisters bar on the Cowgate.