Planning for the Future

Here's our strategic objectives which set out how EC Students' Association will operate for the benefit of Edinburgh College students. Give us your thoughts or ask any questions using the webform below.
Powered by students
The Association is made up of the thousands of students from Edinburgh College, across every campus, every course and at every level within the institution. The constant cycle of new members is what powers us as an organisation and your engagement in your student experience is what keeps it going.
Driven by values
Our Values underpin everything we do and why we do it:
- Committed to Students – we will never let anything distract us from the fact that students always come first for us. Independent from the College, we are led by students, for students, making sure you have a fun, successful and truly ‘ECSA-llent’ student experience.
- Supportive – we strive to be welcoming to all students and always there when you need support. Our friendly staff and helpful nature is what makes us approachable and open to all.
- Ambitious – Students come to College with one eye on building a better future and we are determined to help you do just that. Our approach to maximising your opportunities requires us to be dynamic and innovative, constantly striving to do more for each and every student.
- Trusted – we work hard every day to ensure that we are effective in pursuit of our objectives, running a professional organisation and gaining respect of key stakeholders across the College and beyond.
- Respectful – Our membership is wonderfully diverse. We will always celebrate that diversity and challenge any form of inequality on campus, or beyond, because everyone deserves to be treated with respect
Committed to better
Our Association Vision is to create a positive, supportive community which enables every student to achieve their potential
Pillars of Action
These are the broad priority areas of activity which the Association will focus on over the lifetime of the plan. Every year, key specific priority objectives and performance indicators will the developed in line with these pillars of activity, but we will use the same criteria each year in order to track progress year on year.
We work to make sure that the student voice is consulted and listened to, ensuring that you have the best possible learning experience whilst at college
Help students to make the most of their time at Edinburgh College, supporting their personal & social development through opportunities to volunteer & participate in Clubs & Societies
Provide students with professional, confidential, and effective advice & support, ensuring they stay on course, and equipping more students with the tools to help themselves & their peers
We value & celebrate diversity and will work to ensure Edinburgh College is a welcome & safe place for all. We will always challenge inequality at College and in society, ensuring students are treated equally, regardless of Gender, Sexuality, Disability, Nationality, Religion, Social status, or any other characteristic