It's time for you to consider what 2020 will bring for you! Do you want to make a difference, influence future student experiences at Edinburgh College and gain valuable experience for your career? Then look no further!
We caught up with Taylor Brown previous ECSA full time officer to talk about her time at Edinburgh College and what being Vice President Women has meant for her life and career.
Taylor Brown VP Women 2015-2016
'What are you up to nowadays?'
I am at university pursuing a career in law. I volunteer with Alliance Against Family Violence and Sexual Assualt as well as volunteering with the local police department helping active gang members change their lives before it's too late.
'Why did you run to be a student officer?'
I stood for election because I've always wanted to be part of change and this was the best way of having a real impact.
'What did you get out of being an officer?'
It was an incredible experience. A big part for me was the political aspect which meant being part of all changes whether large or small. It really helped me direct my career path and get me where I am today.
'How has being an officer helped you to where you are now?
My time as VP at Edinburgh College Students' Association is always one of my major talking points when applying for anything. Everyone is always intrigued about the role and the organisation. It assured me that I wanted to work in a political and advocatorial role specifically focusing on victims of sexual assault, domestic violence and human trafficking.
Being Vice President gave me a great insight in how to fight for justice and change even when it might not seem possible.
Do you want to make a difference like Taylor?
Coming in 2020 is the Big Student Elections where you have your chance to become one of the 3 full time officers driving change for students at Edinburgh College. Full time officers will be full time employed and paid to fulfill their duties of implementing change. To become an officer you need to run in a College wide election. This takes place 9th March to 13th March 2020.
So, now is the time to think about what you'd like to do in 2020. Have you got a brilliant idea for a change at the College? Is there an issue you would like to campaign on? Now is your chance!
If you are interested and would like more information please do get in touch either directly with the current officers or at
ECSA is a democratic organisation
That means we're run by a team of full-time student officers who have been elected to represent, and be the voice of students for the academic year. The officers are responsible for representing the voice of students at all levels of the college and working to give you the best experience possible. The current roles are; President, Vice President Sports & Activities and Vice President Welfare.