Welcome back to Edinburgh College!  It's been a lovely couple weeks off, and we hope you got to celebrate the holidays with those you love around you.

We know that for some, the winter break can be isolating, so we'll be hosting a wellbeing fair in the upcoming weeks to hopefully provide some assistance for those who need it both inside the college and outside of college hours. We'll also be running our clubs and societies as usual, so please come along if you'd like to join in the fun!

Now last year was an amazing and difficult year for so many reasons, but we hope that we made this past year just that little bit more enjoyable!

This year is certainly going to be an interesting one for our community, and of course we'll be bringing even more fun and exciting activities to the college campuses!

From stalls, to activities, campaigns to elections, it's going to be a busy second semester and we can't wait to share it with you.


Your Officer Team,

Skye, Luna, & Jon