Anna Vogt, Assistant Principal Student Experience and Skye Marriner, President launcing the new Student Mental Health AgreementOver the course of the last year, we've been speaking to students about their mental health and wellbeing, and promoting the services that are available to support them from within the College and beyond. Last week, to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week, we were delighted to launch our Student Mental Health Agreement, and were joined by Anna Vogt, the Assistant Principal Student Experience.

The Student Mental Health Agreement is the result of research with the student body, collaboration between the College and the Students’ Association and working with the National Union of Students’ Think Positive! Project, which helps to promote best practice in Mental Health & Wellbeing across the tertiary education sector in Scotland. It will be in place from now until June 2026, and is designed around the following five key pledges.

1. Promotion & Prevention

We pledge to provide information to all students about the resources available to support with their mental health and wellbeing. By raising awareness through proactive promotion, we hope to increase our chances of intervening early, whenever students feel their mental health is not good.

2. Direct Mental Health Support

We pledge to provide direct mental health support for those in need, including tailored support to priority groups of students, based on their backgrounds, experiences and needs.

3. Spaces & Places

We pledge to enhance the provision of physical places on campus and safe spaces such as groups and societies, where students can connect with each other socially to enhance their wellbeing.

4. Training & Knowledge Exchange

We pledge to create an open, inclusive and supportive community of both staff and students, sharing best practice, knowledge, and resources around Mental Health and Wellbeing.

5. Student & Staff Shared Activities

We pledge to create opportunities for both students and staff to be involved in; fostering an environment of mutual respect and making Edinburgh College a supportive environment for students’ mental wellbeing.

The Agreement was signed by Student President, Skye Marriner on behalf of the Students' Association, and Audrey Cumberford, the College Principal, on behalf of Edinburgh College. We will work together over the next two years to ensure we fulfil these pledges and continue to advocate for the mental health and wellbeing of Edinburgh College's student community.

Explore the full Student Mental Health Agreement