Skye Marriner, President

Well it's finally here. After two incredible years at Edinburgh College Student' Association, I am now officially leaving!

There is so much I could say. So many memories I could recount, and so many lessons learned. Being a student is brutal. Being a young person is brutal. Trying to find stability within the chaos is even worse, and that is why I am so incredibly thankful for these past two years. 

When I started this job I thought it was going to be a silly little event planning, making stupid tiktoks kinda gig. What I got thrown into was a position of responsibility that I never thought I would get the opportunity to experience. Sitting at the front of the very system that I thought was my enemy. Well it turns out they're not so bad. And it turns out that I got to help not only the students who walked through my door but a part of myself. If 2 years ago Skye walked through the door I'm not even sure I would recognise her.

No amount of words will ever express how grateful I am to every single person I have worked with over the past 2 years. You have completely changed me and shaped me in the most incredible ways possible. Thank you for putting up with me.

From being the officer who fell asleep at residential and who had to have fidget toys thrown at her to wake her up. To being the young woman, who can't believe she's saying this, is going to miss all the board papers, the 3-hour long meetings and the big long events speaking to people upon people. 


Jon Craig, VP Activities

As I prepare for the next stage of my life, I look back on the year I've had and reflect on how much I've learned from all of you. I've had the opportunity to get to know so many strong and driven people who not only want to contribute their potential to the world but also want to get involved with our community here at Edinburgh College. I know the past few years have been strange for us all, but no matter what fate has thrown at us, we have carried on stronger.

Saying goodbye is never easy, but unfortunately, I have to move on. If I could change anything from my time here, I wouldn't. You have all been a constant source of inspiration, there are many among you I will never forget. I also couldn't have accomplished anything without the fantastic team here at the EC Student Association. I couldn't have asked for a better team. I've been part of a strong trio of sabbatical officers who have been a tremendous help through the ups and downs of my professional and private life. I'm going to miss you all, thank you so much for everything. 

I can't wait to pass the reins to the next team, May their tenure be just as fun and inspiring as mine was.


Luna Morrison, VP Welfare

When I realised I was going to have to write a blog for this, I couldn't figure out who I should write it to. I decided to write this goodbye to the students of Edinburgh College, who made each day of this job motivating and full of passion.

To every student who took even the time to smile in the hallway, you are Edinburgh College, and you made this all worth it.

After enjoying almost 3 summers with Edinburgh college, my position as a Student Officer has been one I'll never forget. With so many wild and unique opportunities to look back on, the most important to me has always, and I believe will always be the day to day work done with and for students. This has been a one of a kind experience and one I hope to never take for granted.

This job has been a learning experience from start to finish, thank you for letting me learn with you.

A special thank you to those who joined the online community and any of our clubs/societies, you make the EC Students' Association a proud place to work.