Here at EC Students' Association, we are here to represent all students at Edinburgh College, which means what we do changes to suit the needs of students. We work with students 1-1 and run the Class Rep system, but we're also here to advocate for large-scale changes, on the issues that are most important to you. To find out what's impacting your life as a student right now, we're running a brand new survey which looks at housing, finance, belonging, travel and access to digital resources.
All of this will help us build a picture of the big issues facing you, and will help us to help you.
This survey only happens once a year, so now is the time to make your voice heard! It takes between 5-10 minutes to fill out and if you complete it, you'll be entered into our prize draw with prizes worth up to £50.
We need as many students as possible to fill out the survey, so please share it with your friends and classmates once you've completed it.