At the start of the year, we launched a new scheme called Lead Reps. We asked Class Reps to put themselves forward, to be part of this exciting new initiative which aims to improve communications between staff, students, the Students' Association and the College Management. The Lead Reps form a student focus group who we meet with regularly, hearing their views and taking their feedback and solutions to the college.

We were ideally looking for two Lead Reps per school, so we were delighted when 33 Class Reps put themselves forward to be part of the scheme.

Adam, EC Students' Association President said:

"I'm super excited for this Lead Rep programme to evolve and become even stronger, I was blown away by the reception that we got and how many of you put yourselves forward. I must say a great big thanks to everyone who did participate in the programme and hopefully we will create great change in our college!" -

If you're facing an issue in your subject area, and you want to get another student's take on that, you can contact your Lead Rep to get their advice. Find out who yours are below, and click on their name to contact them via email.

Art & Design

Childhood Practice



Currently the Construction school do not have a Lead Rep. If you are a Construction student and would like to get involved please contact us.


Enterprise & Commerce

Hair & Beauty

Health Professions & Social Services

Music, Media & Sound Production

Performing Arts & Photography

Professional Cookery, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism

  • Adam Mohammad C&G Level 2 Diploma in Culinary Skills and Level 2 Certificate in Food and Beverage Service Skills at Granton

Routes into Education or Employment

Social Sciences

Sport & Fitness

Lead Reps had their first meetings in early January, which were themed around the different spaces at College. We got students to feedback on lots of different factors of on-campus life including:

  • Spaces for learning (e.g. classrooms, labs, studios)
  • Spaces for studying (e.g. libraries, open access PCs)
  • Social spaces (e.g. hub / atrium / other spaces such as the music box)
  • Eating spaces (e.g. cafes, canteens, food halls)

The feedback we gathered was really useful and we'll be using it to push for changes in our conversations with College staff.