Monday the 13th to Friday the 17th of November is national anti-Bullying Week.

We're teaming up with the Respect Me campaign, and the Anti-Bullying Alliance to help make a noise and make sure that everyone is treated with respect. We want everyone to Listen Up, take practical steps, and show that bullying is never acceptable.

We will be hosting a stall at the Milton Rd campus on Wednesday the 15th of November, speaking to students, handing out some freebies, and raising awareness that, whether you are on the recieving end of bullying, or witness it in College, you are not alone, and together, we will make sure that everyone is respected throughout our community.

If you have a concern about bullying, don't keep it to yourself. Talk to your LDT, your lecturer, student services staff, or come speak to us at the Students' Associaiton. We are all here to help you.