International Women’s Day 2023


EC Students' Association will be hosting a stall on Wednesday 8th March at the EC Granton campus to spread awareness of International Women's Day. At our stall you will be able to make flowers to give to the inspirational women in your life, and spread the love to other women! We will be around between 12pm - 2pm! Until then, here is some background on women's rights and some history of women who inspire us.....

In 1867 the London society for women's suffrage was formed. In 1918 the Representation of the People Act was passed which allowed women over 30 who met a property qualification to vote. 10 years later in 1928 the Equal Franchise Act allowed women over 21 to vote and women finally achieved the same voting rights as men. 

For hundreds of years women have been met with barriers and had to fight for their rights. Even in today's society women’s abilities are underestimated, and women have to advocate and fight for themselves significantly harder than men. International Women's Day is a day to celebrate women, and appreciate the fight that women have fought for in history to get us to where we are today! 

ECSA are proud feminists and advocates for gender equity. We are proud to present some amazing women throughout history who have broken barriers and gone against expectations and who may be overlooked day to day! #EmbraceEquity! 


Grace O’Malley 

Occupation: Pirate 

Place: Ireland 

Time: 1530 - 1603

Grace was told by her father that women could not be sailors. He reluctantly took her sailing and informed her that if they came across pirates, she was to hide in the lower decks. Grace didn't listen, and when they attacked her ship, she surprisingly attacked the pirates and her ship was able to defeat them. When her castle was attacked by England she became a pirate and went on to own multiple ships, castles and islands. 

When her sons were captured she sailed to England and met Elizabeth I, trying to save her family. To everyone's surprise, Grace and the Queen became friends and she got not just her family, but her possessions back. Grace would then go on to help England fight their enemies, the Spanish.

Grace was a mother, a woman, a pirate and a fighter in a time when none of this was expected of women. 


Ruth Bader Ginsberg 

Occupation: Lawyer and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

Place: United States of America 

Time: 1933 - 2020 

Ruth was known as a proud mother and wife. She was a New Yorker and a proud Jewish woman. She was a Harvard Law student and was one of nine women in a class of 500. Ruth and the other ladies were often called on for comic relief in class and they were even banned from using certain areas of the library. Ruth transferred to Columbia Law school for her final year, here she graduated top of her class. Despite all of this, she struggled to find employment after school, after all, who would want to hire a Jewish female mother?

She finally got a job as a clerk, and eventually went on to work under a judge. Ruth advocated for herself and women all over the country, she argued six landmark cases on gender equality before the Supreme Court. She became the second female Supreme Court Justice in her country's history. 

There are nine Supreme Court Justices on the Supreme Court. And Ruth once said “If I am asked when there will be enough women on the Supreme Court, I say ‘when there are nine’ people are shocked - but they'd been nine men, like forever, and nobody's ever raised their eyebrows at that.” 

Even in her older age, Ruth was rumoured to do 20 push-ups every day and she became a fashion icon with her colourful collars that she wore with her robes. 


Ellie Gomersall 


Occupation: NUS Scottish President 

Place: Scotland

Time: 1999 - present

Our very own NUS President Ellie! We couldn’t not mention our wonderful student union president. Ellie has been NUS Scotland President since April 2022 following previous president Matt Crilly. When she’s not fighting for students she’s a campaigner for the Green Party.

Despite being thrown in the deep end fighting for over half a million students through the cost of living crisis, the climate crisis, and being a trans woman through all the current conversations, she has handled it all with grace, kindness and compassion.

Now, obviously we’re a little biased, but from personal experience with Ellie I can genuinely say she is an inspiration. Her drive to fight for a better society and her ability to remain diplomatic and yet still very approachable is something I strive to achieve. 

Despite working full time and being a wonderful President, Ellie still manages to make time to attend strikes and be on the front line with students: Fighting for climate justice, student and trans rights, and she is always willing to listen to people directly, standing beside them not just as a supporter, but an ally and a shining example of the power young people and women truly have!