On the 1st of July, the new team of full-time officers started their 12 month term in office. We waved goodbye to Rose, Jordan, and Victoria, after their 2 years at the healm, and welcomed a new group of student leaders to take the reigns.

David, Skye, & Luna have hit the ground running, heading off to the University of Stirling for their first week in office for residential training with the staff team. This is an invaluable time for the team to learn more about the role, the organisation, and what challenges lie ahead for them, as well as making a great start to their planning for the year ahead. Their 2nd week in office sees them joining up with the rest of their fellow officers from accross Scotland's Colleges at a 3 day training event, led by NUS Scotland. 

Over the next couple of months, the new team will be planning and organising for students returning to campus at the end of August, with more activities, more online services, and more fun than ever before! Keep in touch and keep your eyes peeled on our social media channels over the summer to see what they've got planned!  

Our officer team


Read about our priority objectives for 2022-23