Every year in July & August, the ECSA Team is working hard to get the new Officers ready for their year ahead, and get things planned for when students return. We spend a lot of time talking about all the things we want to be getting on with throughout the next academic year and we eventually develop the big things that we all want to focus on, led by the Student Officer team.

This becomes, what we call our Annual Priority Objectives and this year, the objectives are as follows:

ObjectiveSummaryLead Officer

Small Talk with Skye: Small Stage, Big Topics

Plan and deliver a series of events where external and College representatives and students are given an opportunity to discuss current affairs, in order to empower and educate students and to increase their participation in civic life

Skye, President

Mental Health & Wellbeing Fairs

Develop and host wellbeing events before major holidays to survey the wellbeing of our students at Edinburgh College throughout the year as well as promote on campus and external resources for students to use 

Luna, VP Welfare

Showcasing student musical talent

Promotion of the arts through the creation of professional and social opportunities in order to provide opportunities for student musicians and engagement through musical events

Jon, VP Activities

Reverse-shadowing programme

Build relationships and promote the work of the EC Students’ Association by arranging for College Board Members to shadow a Full Time Officer for a day, in order to improve the understanding of the realities of the student experience at Edinburgh College.

Skye, President

LGBTQ+ friendly classrooms

Develop LGBTQ+ materials throughout the year to be used in on-campus workshops with the purpose being presented to staff and spreading awareness on the importance of LGBTQ+ friendly classrooms

Luna, VP Welfare

Societies fairs – student groups on campus

Create established societies specifically aimed to bring communities of students together to socialise, get support and have fun – helping to enhance the social student experience at college

Jon, VP Activities

Student-Parent Lunch Club

Build the student community and promote EC Students’ Association’s services by creating a Student-Parent Lunch Club, which will provide them with an opportunity to build networks and socialise together.

Skye, President

Registering Students to Vote

Significantly increase student voter registration and active participation in parliamentary elections in order to assure representation for underrepresented demographics

Luna, VP Welfare

Awareness Days & engaging students through Clubs

To increase student engagement by running awareness day stalls and events to educate and show support to students, and creating clubs to encourage students to socialise through common hobbies and interests

Jon, VP Activities


If you want to find out more about the objectives or how you can get invovled in helping us to achieve them, then get in touch and get involved!