December Drop-In Chats

With the upcoming and much needed break from college for the winter holidays, us at ECSA are all too aware that this time of year can be a tricky one for many.
From the dark nights to feeling anxious about the holidays, there’s many reasons you may be having a bit of a tough time currently.
That is why this year we are running a few drop-in sessions to chat with our Vice Presidents about what might be on your mind. These are 1-1 informal chats that you are able to sign up for via this link. Sukinder is our Vice President Welfare, and you may have met her at one of our craft or Paint & Sip events. Caitlin is our Vice President Activities and you may have met them at one of our video games events or society meetings.
We will have a few optional snacks and beverages available to make these 1-1s as calm and comfortable as possible, and all discussions will be completely confidential (apart from in exceptional circumstances).
These drop-ins are casual chats and not counselling sessions or professional mental health support, if you are interested in professional support and counselling you can get in touch with the college counselling or wellbeing teams. You can find these services on the Student Services Wellbeing Hub on Teams.
With this in mind, we hope these sessions will be useful for students and that we can help everyone have a happy holiday!