Arts & Crafts Sighthill | ECSA

Arts & Crafts Sighthill

 Registration is closed for this event
Hello are you feeling Arty? - come and be show your creativity by doing arts and crafts in the Atrium in our office at Sigthill Campus at our ECSA Office

Arts & Crafts Sighthill

We invite you to tap into your creative side with activities centered around drawing, painting, and cross-stitching. Whether you're an experienced artist or just looking to try something new, there will be something for everyone. Join us for hands-on workshops where you can learn different techniques, explore new materials, and get inspired by fellow participants. Our welcoming environment encourages creativity, so feel free to experiment, collaborate, and express yourself. Bring your friends, family, and enthusiasm for a fun-filled safternoon of art and creativity!

October 10th, 2024 from 12:00 PM to  2:00 PM
350 West Granton Road
Edinburgh, EH5 1QE
United Kingdom
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Phone: 0131 297 8274
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