Tips for studying at home | ECSA

Tips for studying at home

Study Tips

Study Tips

  • Get into a routine - preferably one that includes getting up at a regular time and getting dressed and ready for the day. These tips are regularly given by people who work from home, as staying in your pyjamas all day can reduce your productivity.
  • Organise a study space for yourself where you can sit comfortably and have everything infront of you that you will need (that isn't your bed - this can significantly impact your sleep quality!)
  • If you don't live alone, have a discussion with people you share space with about what you need whilst studying - eg. if you prefer having background noise or not.
  • Do your best to treat online classes as you would with face-to-face classes: do any preparation work that is required, take notes and contribute to any discussion, and review your work regularly.
  • If anything to do with your teaching is unclear, get in touch with your lecturer to gain a better understanding of what is happening and what is expected.
  • Stay connected with your lecturers and classmates, through whatever channel works best for you all. Some suggestions would be Google Meet, Zoom, or Skype.
  • Take regular breaks and look after yourself. We have some tips for how to keep yourself happy and healthy during lockdown below.

Physical Health

  • Get the facts about your risk level and how to take precautions. Use credible sources to get information, such as WHO (World Health Organisation) website, or the NHS Inform website
  • Wash your hands regularly, and make sure you keep your surroundings clean
  • Go for a walk
  • Maintain a healthy diet where possible - if you have kids, get them to help prepare and cook the food
  • Workout at home: whether it's lifting weights, following a Youtube fitness video, or doing some yoga



Mental Health & Wellbeing

  • Notice how you're feeling, including any anxious thoughts
  • Use grounding techniques
  • Limit the time you and your family spend watching or listening to upsetting media coverage
  • Try to stick to your normal daily schedule: for example getting dressed in the morning, mealtimes, work/study hours and bedtimes. Take time in the morning and afternoon to do your usual "commute" by going for a walk or a cycle - this will help you stay fit as well.
  • Meditate, even if it's just for a couple of minutes
  • Set yourself small, manageable tasks, such as making the bed or washing the dishes after you eat
  • Call, message or facetime friends and family to keep in contact
  • Do activities that you enjoy (or try some new ones!) eg. reading, jigsaws, knitting, etc.
  • Have a Netflix Party with your friends (all watch at the same time from separate houses)
  • Limit the time you and your family spending watching or listening to upsetting media coverage.
  • Check the information put out by the NHS through NHS Inform
  • Reach out if you are struggling. This could be to a specific support organisation, through one of our student societies, or to someone you know. There are loads of links to support organisations, and to our societies at the bottom of this page!

Boredom Busters

  • Have a wardrobe clear out - you could donate any items you don't want to a local charity shop so they can get a new home
  • Do some spring cleaning
  • Bake your favourite sweet snack
  • Practice cooking some new recipes
  • Encourage them to talk about how they feel
  • Find out the answers to any questions they have together, using reputable sources
  • Maintain routines, but try not to enforce too strict a schedule
  • Incorporate learning into fun household activities such as cooking, DIY, and cleaning
  • Check out online learning resources
  • Talk and spend quality time together. If you have more than one child, try to spend alone time with each child.

Working at home with children Learning resources

Sustainability tips

Sustainability tips

Check your heating controls and timers are suitable to the current time of year and weather - no point paying for more heating than you need!

Turn lights off in rooms you aren't using (include the one you are using if you've got a good amount of natural light coming in)

Do a closet clear-out and donate any unwanted clothes and household items to a local charity shop

Get some fresh air by going out on a walk and setting yourself the challenge to litterpick in your local area (even if that does just involve picking up a few items through a reusable bag and disposing of them correctly)

Try out some new (or tried-and-tested) plant based recipes

If you're buying any new cleaning products, why not opt for more eco-friendly ones? Or look up how to make your own!

Young Scot

Young Scot is the national youth information charity, with discounts in shops and travel for 12 - 26 year olds.


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