Healthy Body, Healthy Mind | ECSA

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Logo of the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Campaign

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind is a campaign run by the National Union of Students, Scotland (NUS Scotland) and Scottish Student Sport (SSS). It aims to raise awareness of the links between good physical health and good mental health for students across Scotland’s colleges and Universities.

At Edinburgh College, we are promoting a range of opportunities for students to get more involved in activities across the institution as well as raise awareness of mental and physical ill health issues and how to tackle them.

Specifically, we are promoting:

  • Mental Health awareness and support available
  • Physical activity and sport amongst our members
  • Opportunities to specifically encourage more women into physical activity and sport
  • Smoking cessation and support to quit smoking

It has been widely recognised that mental ill health in the student population is on the increase. Pressures of academic life, financial hardship and employment prospects can take their toll on student wellbeing.  The links between good mental health and sport and exercise are well recognised. It has been proven that regular exercise can help mitigate the effects of mild to moderate depression and anxiety and, more widely, exercise can be used by all as a preventative means of ensuring balanced mental wellbeing.

As part of the award, there is great resources available at if your thinking about quiting smoking or want to recieve advice. 

To find out more or to get involved, please get in touch at or pop into one of our offices and speak to one of the team. We’re all super-keen to see how we can help get students more physically active and improve mental health for all.