Class Rep Recruitment, Feedback, Meetings and Report 

It's been a busy few weeks at the Students' Association, as our Class Rep system gets up and running. Class Reps are a key part of the college community: they're a link between students, the Students' Association, curriculum staff and college management. We're really excited about working with the 620+ Reps recruited this year, who are helping to improve the student experience at Edinburgh College.

A few weeks ago, we hosted our first Class Rep Meetings, on-campus and online, where we discussed induction, the online learning environment, students' relationships with college staff and how being at college makes students feel. After the meetings we think through all their feedback and pick out the key themes for a report. The Class Rep Reports are made public for all students to see, circulated to the college's Senior Management Team and will be discussed at the next Learning, Teaching and Student Experience committee (part of the College Board of Management).

There's a quick summary of the main findings below:

  • Inductions are generally seen as quite good, with almost every student having a timetable before starting, but students especially cited the lack of campus tours and maps available. 
  • Many Reps reported that students struggle to access vital information due to systems not being as easy to use on mobile phones (particularly Moodle). 
  • Students are broadly positive about their learning experience so far. Those with negative experiences cite staff absences and the lack of communication being key contributing factors.

Some of our Reps raised issues that are class-specific or impacting individual students, so we follow these up separately, working with our colleagues in the college - lecturers, LDTs and Curriculum Managers - to resolve key issues.

If you want to read more detail about the student feedback you can click the button below.

👉Read the full report here