Vice President Activities | ECSA

Vice President Activities

Caitlin Whitson VP Activities

Caitlin Whitson


Officer Email:

The main duties of the Vice-President Activities include:

  • Organising Freshers' week & creating engaging student-led events and activities throughout the year
  • Working in partnership with relevant sector organisations
  • Helping to develop a more welcoming and inclusive campus
  • Working with the other Full-Time Officers across all four campuses on issues specific to activities and events
  • Sitting on the Edinburgh College Board of Management and leadership committees and working with the college, to ensure that students are at the centre of decisions
  • Supporting & developing students to empower them to be engaged with EC Students' Association
  • Consulting with students on current issues facing them, and developing solutions to the benefit of students
  • Developing activities to be as of inclusive of as many students as possible
  • Representing the Association and students when attending external events
  • Work to improve participation by students across the college in activities, clubs and events
  • Being an active member of the EC Students' Association Board of Trustees, to ensure the Association is student-led and focussed on our strategic objectives