LGBT Charter survey | ECSA

LGBT Charter survey

Edinburgh College is currently working towards LGBT Youth Scotland’s Foundation Charter award. As part of this journey, we want to find out how inclusive you think the College is of the LGBT community, and how we could improve. 
This survey contains a few short questions about your experiences, and asks if you would like to participate in a focus group. This data, along with other inputs, will inform the development of an Action Plan to improve LGBT+ inclusivity at the College.
The answers you provide to the survey questions are anonymous and will be treated confidentially. There is a question that asks if you would like to be considered for focus groups on the LGBT experience at Edinburgh College: any contact detail you submit here will not be connected to your answers to the rest of the survey. If you have any particular concerns or wish to discuss any of the issues raised in this survey, you can talk to the wellbeing team or contact us.

About you
LGBT Experience Questions

Your answers to this survey will be treated anonymously and will not be connected to you personally in any way. We thank you again for taking the time to fill out this survey.