Organisations for self-help

About Website
NHS 24

NHS 24 is a free phone service to provide urgent health advice out of hours, when your GP Practice or Dentist is closed.


Artlink is an arts and disability organisation with the aim of increasing opportunities to take part in the arts for those who experience disadvantage or disability in the East of Scotland.

The Trussell Trust

Trussell Trust support a nationwide network of food banks and together they provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.

NHS Inform

NHS Inform is Scotland's national health information service. They aim to provide people in Scotland with accurate and relevant information to help them make informed decisions about their own health and the health of the people they care for.

Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council

ELREC exists to promote equality and to fight all forms of prejudice. They believe that no one can claim to live in a fair and just society whilst prejudice and inequalities exist.

Women's Aid Edinburgh

Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children.

Fast Forward

Fast Forward provide high quality health education and prevention interventions and projects to enable young people to make informed choices about their wellbeing and to live healthier lifestyles.

Who Cares Scotland

Who Cares? Scotland is a national voluntary organisation, working with care experienced young people and care leavers across Scotland.

Shakti Women's Aid

Help for black minority ethnic (BME) women, children and young people who are experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse.

LGBT Youth Scotland LGBT Youth Scotland is Scotland’s national charity for LGBTI young people, working with 13–25 year olds across the country whose goal is to make Scotland the best place to grow up for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex young people. Website
Edinburgh Carers Council

Edinburgh Carers Council is an independent Edinburgh charity that is carer-led in its developments. They provide information to carers about all aspects of mental health care and services; individual advocacy services for carers and named persons; and training opportunities so carers can be empowered.

The Junction

The Junction is a safe, friendly, confidential centre which offers lots of health-related services, education and support for young people in Leith and North East Edinburgh aged 12-21.
