Saturday the 10th of October is World Mental Health Day and in the lead up to that we will be sharing tips and messages via our social media channels. 

The global pandemic and lockdown has been hard for all of us as we find ourselves unable to go out, do the things we love and socialize face to face with our family and friends. At the beginning of lockdown, I particularly struggled with not being able to go to my local swimming pool as I always rely on a good swim to clear my head and relax.

So I had to think outside of the box and adapt to the new restrictions. Luckily I live in Portobello, so as soon as covid rules allowed for outdoor swimming. I got myself down to the beach for my first swim since lockdown started. Granted many of my family and friends did wonder if I was in my right mind for wanting to jump into the freezing cold North Sea! But for me, that first swim was magical so I have since become a devoted outdoor swimmer over the summer which I plan to keep up as long as I can cope with colder weather! Any good tips for winter swimming appreciated!

During lockdown, to help my mood, I also grew some plants, basil, mint and rosemary for cooking. I also experimented in the kitchen by making new dishes and practiced yoga by watching you tube tutorials. My fellow full-time officer, Victoria, has also been growing and cooking during lockdown and she enjoyed it so much she has made it into an area of work. You can keep up with what she is doing about growing and cooking here.

For World Mental Health Day 2020, we want to hear your tips for coping during lockdown (and in general) and we want to share the positivity and pass it forward. Let’s be kind to each other and help each other get through this difficult time.

To do this, we are asking you to submit a positive message or a tip to coping during lockdown and we will share the full list after 10th of October. Anyone who submits a message will receive one back to keep the positivity flowing.

Submit your positivity message here

Make sure to check out our existing resources and if you are looking for someone to talk to or any support we have a full list of support organisations as well. Check out our Wellbeing Hub and let us know if there's anything we should be adding. 

And remember being online doesn’t mean you're alone! 

Stay safe, 