President's Blog - September 2024 | ECSA

President's Blog - September 2024

President's Blog - Sept 2024

The ECSA Team under a balloon arch at Freshers Week 24 So, what have I been up to in the last few months… well I have been quite busy to say the least. The main thing that I have been doing recently is my own self development.

This is my first full time job, and it has been quite an adjustment going from a countryside town high school to working full time in a huge establishment like Edinburgh College. It’s also quite difficult being a bit of a wallflower in high school and now being the student president, which requires a lot of communication and confidence. Though I’ve also always thought I was a sword in the sheath, and I know I have it in me to be confident, decisive and persuasive. It just requires a little personal development.

I’ve enjoyed getting an insight into the way that Edinburgh College is run and meeting all the big players in the College and making a big impact within the college. I have had discussions with lovely students at our Freshers’ events at each campus and gauging what our students want and what they do not. It was also a joy to see how much diversity we truly have in Edinburgh College,

I know that it is just a fact that this establishment is very diverse but seeing the different cultures of Granton to Milton Road and Midlothian to Sighthill is truly amazing to see, because celebrating differences should be what we’re all doing.

I’ve been engaging with the management and governance of Edinburgh College as well listening into all the great initiatives and plans that the College management has and making sure all bodies and groups of the college are listened to and represented.

What I have gathered from the short time that I’ve been here for, is that I believe Edinburgh College and its students are worth fighting for. I’ve seen so many amazing and interesting people in Edinburgh College, I know that they deserve every bit of my power and will to better this incredible, diverse and determined establishment.

In the coming weeks I will be working with class reps and begin setting up a network of information and help class reps to be trained and ready to represent all members of their class. I will also be working on building a relationship between them and their Curriculum Team Managers and Heads of School making sure that the classes are fully represented and have a voice within the layers of Edinburgh College.

Find out more about my priority objectives




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