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Class reps conference Granton

Class Rep Conferences November & December - ECSA Updates & Reports

19th Dec
 In this section you will find the ECSA updates the Full Time Officers delivered to Class Reps at the conferences in November & December outlining what ECSA have been up to. The November Conference covered everything officers had been up...
Image of a class rep meeting

Volunteer Focus: Jamie Wilson

19th Dec
 We're proud of the hard work that our volunteers put in, and we're keen to highlight their work. This month, we're pleased to present a wee interview with Jamie Wilson, one of our Class Rep trainers and the Welfare Exec Officer for Granton Campus...

12 Days of Discounts

7th Dec
 Buy your NUS Extra card here, for only £12! 1. Now TV, 3 months for £3.Keep the cold away this winter for only £3 for your first three months. Invite your pals round, gather the family or just indulge by yourself, but with the choice of over...
Life at Edinburgh College Through Your Eyes

Poetry Competition Winners Announced!

1st Dec
 Edinburgh College's first ever Poetry Competition for students and staff has now drawn to a close after inspiring entries from across all campuses and the winners have been selected by our panel of poetry experts from the Scottish Poetry Library....

Stand to be an Executive Officer

16th Nov
 Whatever it is you’re passionate about, why not share that with others? Each year the Students’ Association seeks out a team of volunteer student officers and quite simply, their job is to make your life better. Exec Officers could be...
crew 2000 pilot

Are you a social drinker/smoker?

9th Nov
 In collaboration with Crew 2000, we looked at student feedback on how students are feeling and how much smoking, drugs and alcohol impact on your life as a student. As a result the survey we ran recently (Where's your head at?) we will be...
SSS Active survey


31st Oct
  Welcome to the launch of the Scottish Active Students Survey! Scottish Student Sport, in partnership with UK Active and Precor have launched the Scottish Active Students Survey.We are so excited to bring you some information on how together...

Class Rep Conference - Granton November 3rd - GA 2.04

28th Oct
 The first Class Rep Conference for class reps at Granton! Location: GA 2.04 Date: 3rd November 2016 Time 12.15pm - 2.15pm Registering below allows us to ensure your attendance is recorded for bursary purposes. Though...

Class Rep Conference - Milton Road November 1st - M1.28

28th Oct
 ECSA's first Class rep Conference will be held  at Milton Road.  Location: M1.28 Date: 1st November 2016 Time 12.15pm - 2.15pm Registering below allows us to ensure your attendance is recorded for bursary...
ECSA active percussion society

Percussion Society!

27th Oct
 Wednesday's 10.30 am@Cr-8 (Milton Road) Are you interested in percussion music?Do fancy a weekly jam session with your fellow students?Want to be part of a ECSA Active percussion Society?ALL EDINBURGH COLLEGE STUDENTS WELCOME ...
Edinburgh College Health & Well being fair

ECSA's Health & Wellbeing Fair 2016

25th Oct
 Next week will be the start of ECSA's Health and Wellbeing Fair.This will be an opportunitiy for students to get valuable information and not to mention freebies! on things associated with;Mental healthSexual healthPhysical...
Image of young people smoking and drinking

Where's your head at?!

24th Oct
 College can be strerssful and here at ECSA, we are all too aware that mental ill health can have a serous impact on you and your studies.In collaboration with Crew 2000, we are looking for feedback on how students are feeling and how much smoking...

ECSA Are Looking for A New Student Trustee!

24th Oct
 ECSA is looking for a student who wants to get a bit more involved in what we do - we're looking for you to become a Student Trustee. ECSA are in particularly interested in having a gender balanced trustee board and would...
Image of a class rep meeting

How are you getting on at College?

24th Oct
 Welcome back from your October holidays! We know that this time of year can be one of the most stressful for students, and it's at this time that find it most challenging to stay on course.We want to do everything we can to help you...
Scottish Disability Sport's last visual impairment sports day

Visual Impairment Sports Engagement Day

18th Oct
 In the year of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, and following the success of the pilot day, Scottish Disability Sport is working in partnership to provide an event for children, young people and adults with visual impairments from across Scotland...