Latest News | Edinburgh College Students' Association

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New Year Travel Pledge (Closed)

17th Jan Edinburgh College Students' Association are here to help you with your New Year resolutions for 2022!Do you want to save money or get active after Christmas? You can do both by travelling using more sustainable methods (walking, cycling, or public transport) for the regular...

Free Bus Travel for under 22's

11th Jan The Under 22's Free Bus Travel scheme will be launching from 31 Janury. This scheme aims to encourage greener travel patterns and increase opportunities for young people in terms of employment, education and social activities. If you are 5-21 years old and live in Scotland then you...

Welcome back to college!

11th Jan As we all come back to college this week, we hope you all had a relaxing holiday, and are recharged and ready to face 2022!We heard in the college update before Christmas that classes are going to be online-only for the next two weeks to help limit contacts. The update said:...

Go Green Hubs: Semester 1 Waste Savings and Holiday Closure Dates

15th Dec Our Go Green Hubs have been open on campuses for 6 weeks and we have already saved over one metric tonne of food and textiles from going to waste and helped create a circular economy across our campuses. Since November, our community fridges have saved 750kg of...

Jobs: Student Destination Interviewers (Closed)

14th Dec Student Destination InterviewersHours per week: 15 hours guaranteed over a 3 week period. Hours are flexible depending on your College timetablePay rate: Approx. £10.50 per hourContract: Term timeLocation of work: OnlineNote that you will be completing your hours remotely and you...

Make this festive season more sustainable!

13th Dec The festive season is almost here - it's time to celebrate along with those we love, and have a well deserved break. It can also be the perfect time to adopt new habits, to reduce our consumption and help the planet and people around us. If each person takes a small step into having a...

ECSA Christmas equalties Parties

2nd Dec Equalities Christmas Events!Hi everyone!Semester one is almost over and Christmas is around the corner!We hope you have all enjoyed your time at College so far and you are looking forward to a well-earned Christmas break.To celebrate our amazing students we will be hosting online...

Estranged Student Solidarity Week

25th Nov This week marks Estranged Solidarity Week, for our college peers who are currently estranged from their families, I have a personal interest in this as I have experienced being estranged from my family for a brief time when I was 16 and studying. What is an Estranged student?...

Transgender Day of Remembrance

18th Nov This Saturday is Transgender Day of Remembrance, and like many of you, I didn’t really grasp the importance of this day. Through some light reading through a few community groups and on the day itself I’ve learned a fair bit about the day and what it means to trans people and their...

VP Activities Update from Victoria

18th Nov Hey! It's your VP Activities here, giving you an update on what I have been working on so far in November. It’s been a busy month, but your FTO's have worked continuously hard to ensure your voices are heard. We collectively met with the National Union of Students (NUS) UK and...

A Mental check-in with Jordan

16th Nov Hey team, how's everyone been doing? How have your classes been? Have you had anything on your mind lately and just wanted someone to have a chat and check-in with you?Well, this Friday at 11 am, I will be hosting a virtual check-in that is open to anyone to attend. This is an...

NUS Scotland BIG Student £££ Survey

11th Nov For just 5 minutes of your time – you could win £150NUS Scotland is conducting The BIG student £££ survey. They want to understand more about students’ financial situations, what your cost of living is like, and how money (or lack of money) impacts you as a student. The survey is...

Our Go Green hubs are open!

8th Nov ECSA's Go Green Hubs are now open on campus!The Go Green team have set up Go Green Hubs on all campuses, where you can find our Community Fridges and Swap Shops. These are set up in the following areas:Sighthill - up the stairs in the Atrium, outside the ECSA officeGranton - in the Hub...
BHM Walking Tour

Black History Month Walking Tour

4th Nov As part of ECSA's Black History Month celebration, we booked a private tour with Lisa William of Edinburgh Caribbean Association for the #BlackHistoryWalkingTour of Edinburgh!Thank you to the students that attended! I hope that you had as enriching an experience as I did. I have...

ECSA Spiking Statement

27th Oct At ECSA we have seen the deeply disturbing reports of spiking being on the rise throughout the country. As a team, we firmly believe that everyone should be safe when they are enjoying a night out.Spiking is not a crime anyone should feel the need to protect themselves from. The fact...