Latest News | Edinburgh College Students' Association

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Starting out at Edinburgh College - the ultimate checklist

1st Sep We are excited to welcome you to Edinburgh College. To help you start off your journey in the right way we have come up with the ultimate checklist of things you need to do to get started as a student at Edinburgh College.EnrolmentFirst off, have you accepted your offer and completed...

Welcome to the 2020-21 Student Officer Team

1st Jul Today we are welcoming the new Full-Time Student Officers into their roles. The incoming officers were elected in March by a campus wide student election and will be in post for a year. Jordan, Victoria and Rose have been so kind as to answer a couple of questions so you can get to...
Picture of Carla walking into College with daughter

Carla's Farewell

30th Jun This is my last President's Blog. Wow, even writing these words seems surreal, but what doesn’t seem surreal at the moment, though?The last few months have been more surreal than any of us could have imagined and certainly not how I expected half of my role as President to go... as I...

End of Year Report 2019-2020

30th Jun What a year it has been. As we get ready to wrap up the year, we take a look back at what 2019-20 brought through our Annual End of Year Report. July sees the previous Officers Carla, Shannon, & Seoras wave farewell, and the new team of Jordan, Victoria, & Rose take...

Need housing advice?

18th Jun Housing issues make up a large part of the casework we deal with and last year we surveyed Edinburgh College students to identify how and where we can support them.Housing and Finance Survey: The ResultsWith that in mind, we created a new housing section to help keep you safe wherever...

Check out our new Go Green hub this World Environment Day!

4th Jun This World Environment Day we wanted to draw your attention to the work we are doing at ECSA to promote sustainability and climate change awareness. To do this we've made a brand new Go Green hub, where you can find out about our Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) project, and about how you...

ECSA-llence Awards Winners 2020

22nd May Unsurprisingly, our fifth year of our annual learning & teaching awards has been a wee bit different. The entire nomination, short-listing, and awarding process has been completed whilst the country has been in lockdown and we all work from home. What hasn't changed, is the...

Revamped Wellbeing Hub

22nd May It can be quite scary living in lockdown and social distancing due to COVID-19. Thats why it's important, now more than ever, to look after your physical and mental wellbeing. We've refreshed our Wellbeing Hub and made it simple to find what you need in four easy to navigate...

President's blog: My new normal

20th May This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and with everything that’s going on for us at the moment I thought I would write a little something that some of you might be able to relate to. Everything has changed, all the things that we knew are different, who ever thought the...

Mental Health Awareness Week

18th May This week is Mental Health Awareness week! The Mental Health Foundation run this awareness campaign every year, and this year the focus is on kindness. They chose this theme as they can see that kindness is prevailing in the uncertain time we are currently living in, which can give us...

ECSA-llence Awards 2020: The Nominees

7th May Students across Edinburgh College have nominated their lecturers, LDTs, support staff and class reps across 5 Award Categories. The shortlisting panel has come back and are excited to announce the shortlist for our Annual ECSA-llence Awards.  We are at that time of year where we...

Celebrating Earth Day - how you can stay connected with nature during the lockdown

22nd Apr  Happy Earth Day! Today is Earth Day, an annual celebration of environment that happens every year on the 22nd of April. It is also the 50th Anniversary of the first ever Earth Day, which started back in 1970. This year the theme is climate action - you can find out more about...

Have your say - help us design a new green space for Edinburgh College.

2nd Apr ECSA is working with Edinburgh College's Ccommunity Garden Coordinator to plan the creation of a new green space at Milton Road campus.There is a grassy field at Milton Road campus that Edinburgh College wishes to plan trees on. This will create more and better green spaces at the...
Nominate a lecturer or class rep for an ECSAllence Award

Give an ECSA-llence Award today!

2nd Apr Every year we host the ECSA-llence Awards to recognise the ECSA-llent work done across all parts of Edinburgh College. And this year is no different!Staff and students constantly work to improve the learning and teaching experience at Edinburgh College and we want to recognise the...

ECSA is awarded new funding to expand our successful climate change project.

26th Mar We're delighted to share the news that Edinburgh College Students' Associtaion has been awarded over £190,000 as part of the Scottish Government's Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) to run another climate change project from 2020-2022. This project will offer free...